Monday, May 5, 2008

where we stand!!

Well I havent written here,in awhile , but that doesnt mean I haven't been busy with a million other things,which is ok because I am waiting for this whole democrat thing to shake out.

I enjoy watching them hammer each other and am emcouraged by the fact that John freaking MCCAIN!! can do an even better job of making mince meat out of one of those TOOLZ when the real election comes around which seems like still a hundred years away lol.

For all the nay sayers that said McCain is not " conservative enough,well you can just suck it because this guy is the real deal,,,of course he can't exactly come out and say what he wants right now,he has the big picture in mind . But mark my words,that when he finally gives the "smak down" to Billary or Barry Hussein whichever it is, you will hear John Mccain speak his MIND the way he does in private and beleive you me that I have had the honor and privledge of being behind the seens" with the man when the microphone is of and he REALLy speaks his mind !!


Grizzly Mama said...

I'm not at all happy with McCain, but I will definitely vote for him over the leftys. His position on several issues leaves me feeling uneasy but he's surely better than either the Hildebeast or Barack Hussein.

Jesus H.W. Bush said...

Well since I am not ready to live in comunist RUSSIA !! i throw my full suppport behind Mccain,at least he knows what its like to serve his country.Yes there are questions,but with the other side there are none. I know what they will do and I dont like it.

I think alot will come clearer when Mccain picks his VP. Then we'll see where this is going !!