Thursday, August 23, 2007

Next stop IRAN!!!

Thanks to read Grizzly Mama's blog I saw a ling to Regime change in IRAN and all I can say after seeing that site is YEAH!!! Our troops are staged and ready to go in Iraq and it's time now to redeploy our finest to Iran which has been a gathering storm threatening our way of life for years.we should have taken these guys out long time ago but thanks to the DEFEATocrats we never did but while we still have a good republican in the white house this is the time as the song says.They have already said they have NUCLEAR WEAPONS and want to use them so the sooner we get in there and take care of this mess the better.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Warm enough for you GLOBE?

If GLOBAL WARMING is so real,why the HELL??is it 58 degress outside today? In the middle of AUGUST? ridiculus. More libral tripe being fed to the hungry masses.

Luckily for us there is a WONDERFUL article by Miss Blond Sagacity at which I just read and WOW.This girl can really WRITE!!!

Check it out!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Michael Vick plea

This has not so much to do with politics today,but Michael VICK copped a plea not because he's guilty(which he is)but because they were going to go after him for gambling. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DOGS.!!

The gubment don't like gamblers,it doesn't give a DAMN!! about dog cruelty.Get it straight people.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Prettyboy John Edwards strikes again(lol)GOD HELP US

Is there a bigger HIPOCRIT than this $300 haircut faggot??? He cries about the state of the counties poor people from his billion dollar mansion (where his carbon footprint is bigger than BIGFOOTS and now it turns out that he is making a profit off the poor people hurt by hurricane Karina.

From the wall street JOURNAL:
As a presidential candidate, Democrat John Edwards has regularly attacked subprime lenders, particularly those that have filed foreclosure suits against victims of Hurricane Katrina. But as an investor, Mr. Edwards has ties to lenders foreclosing on Katrina victims.

The Wall Street Journal has identified 34 New Orleans homes whose owners have faced foreclosure suits from subprime-lending units of Fortress Investment Group LLC. Mr. Edwards has about $16 million invested in Fortress funds, according to a campaign aide who confirmed a more general Federal Election Commission report. Mr. Edwards worked for Fortress, a publicly held private-equity fund, from late 2005 through 2006.

Asked about the matter, Mr. Edwards yesterday pledged that he would personally provide financial assistance to New Orleanians who are facing foreclosure by Fortress-affiliated businesses or have lost their homes already. "I intend to help these people," the former North Carolina senator said.

Nice going faggot. First take all there money and then help them out by doing what.Go down there and shovel a few shovelfulls of dirt for a photo op. That should help someone.Maybe yourslef.

How is this guy even in the presidential race.Is this the best the lefties can do?Pathetic.

Friday, August 17, 2007

More libral HIPPY bullshit!!!

I went to Lowes to get screws,yesterday , and came back to the car only ti find that some IDIOT had left his shopping cart in front of my car. Now,I did what anyone would do and that is to push it out of the goddam way so I could go home and fix the closet where the shelf has been waiting to be fixed for a year now and that when a woman YELLED! to me "hey,don't just push, your cart anywhere,take it over there pointing to the place where carts are supposed to be stored in the parking lot. Well, I said back to her its not even mine!!!!" so she yells back,,"I SAW YOU PUSH IT THERE'

Who's job is it,to collect the shopping carts that OTHERS!! leave in the parking lot? IS it mine? DOn't they pay someone a good wages to go out there every so-often and make sure that these damn things arenot in someones way????

I said back to the woman that maybe YOU should come get it if it bothers you so much. It's not my job."

Of course she walked away (lol)! She got into her subaru with stickers about mother earth and saving the environment and drive off.Now I ask you,typical hypocritical democrat who probably complains about others , complains that global warming is real,and yet drives the very SAME car that she doesn't want others to drive. With those stupid bumper stickers all over the place.

The pretty boy john Edwrds is right that there are two AMERICA"S and I wish there was a wall built between mine and hers. IDIOT!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Go NEWT!!!

Finally someone said what we have all been thinking. Newt Gingrich is da MAN:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Tuesday he is "sickened" that President Bush and Congress went on vacation "while young Americans in our cities are massacred" by illegal immigrants.

Gingrich, who is considering a run for the White House, was referring to a recent crime in Newark, N.J., where three college students were murdered execution style in a school playground.

One of the suspects -- Jose Lachira Carranza -- is an illegal immigrant from Peru who was on bail on charges of raping a child when the murders occurred.

Gingrich said another suspect is an illegal immigrant from Nicaragua with a long record of arrests who was ordered deported in 1993 but never left.

However, The (Newark) Star Ledger reported Tuesday that the man -- Rodolfo Godinez -- obtained permanent legal residency in 2001.

The Newark Police Department did not return requests for comment.

Gingrich said that the "war here at home" against illegal immigrants is "even more deadly than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan."

It's about time our elected officials have spoken truth to power.The real problem in this country is the illegal MEXICANS who are pouring across the boarder and taking away JOBS from hard working american CITIZENS who need them.I know plenty of people--PLENTY!!!--who would love to work in the restaurant business or the farming business but cant because of these illegals that we let in who then take our free health care and food stamps.This madness has to STOP NOW and NEWT is the one to do it.And these ILLEGALs are alo killing us.Stop killing us if you want to live here.We dont go to your country and kill you so STOP DOING IT TO us.

I nominate the Newtster for PRESIDENT of the united STATES!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Goodbye , Karl

While the libroltards are all creeming there genes , over Karl Rove's leavings, what they fail to realize is that the MAN now goes on to some real,heights of GLORY!!!! Roomer has it that KARL will be tapped to help out Hugo CHAVEZ !!!!! Well (lol) if anyone ever needed help it,s Hugo !!