Thursday, August 16, 2007

Go NEWT!!!

Finally someone said what we have all been thinking. Newt Gingrich is da MAN:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Tuesday he is "sickened" that President Bush and Congress went on vacation "while young Americans in our cities are massacred" by illegal immigrants.

Gingrich, who is considering a run for the White House, was referring to a recent crime in Newark, N.J., where three college students were murdered execution style in a school playground.

One of the suspects -- Jose Lachira Carranza -- is an illegal immigrant from Peru who was on bail on charges of raping a child when the murders occurred.

Gingrich said another suspect is an illegal immigrant from Nicaragua with a long record of arrests who was ordered deported in 1993 but never left.

However, The (Newark) Star Ledger reported Tuesday that the man -- Rodolfo Godinez -- obtained permanent legal residency in 2001.

The Newark Police Department did not return requests for comment.

Gingrich said that the "war here at home" against illegal immigrants is "even more deadly than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan."

It's about time our elected officials have spoken truth to power.The real problem in this country is the illegal MEXICANS who are pouring across the boarder and taking away JOBS from hard working american CITIZENS who need them.I know plenty of people--PLENTY!!!--who would love to work in the restaurant business or the farming business but cant because of these illegals that we let in who then take our free health care and food stamps.This madness has to STOP NOW and NEWT is the one to do it.And these ILLEGALs are alo killing us.Stop killing us if you want to live here.We dont go to your country and kill you so STOP DOING IT TO us.

I nominate the Newtster for PRESIDENT of the united STATES!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

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